IMPORTANT: Please do not harass anyone in the Reddit thread. The purpose of this is to grow from it and not to bring other people down, no matter what they might’ve said.
So someone posted my Death Stranding Illustrated Theories on to Reddit (here’s the Reddit link). I’m not super surprised by this, in fact I had a feeling that this would probably happen at some point. But I thought this would be a good time to talk about something.
Whenever you post anything on the internet, especially if it’s creative content, you’re bound to receive negative responses. Depending on the nature and quality of your work the amount of negativity may vary, with some being constructive criticism and others just being rude for rudeness sake, but it will happen and there’s nothing you can do about it.
Using the comments from the Reddit link as an example, there were some nice ones like this:
...And some not-so-nice ones like this:
Despite having a mix of good and bad responses, it would be easy to just focus on the negative ones and have it bring you down or discourage you from creating anything in the future. But you can’t let those negative comments stop you from making things. Ignore them, or better yet, use them to push you into doing better in the future.
I personally am not bothered by the “bad art” comment because those series of drawings weren’t my best work. I can draw better than that. For example:
I mean yeah, I would’ve preferred someone not call my art bad, but like I said before, that’s just a part of posting things on the internet. If comments like that were enough to stop me, I would’ve stopped drawing a long time ago.
It’s okay to be upset when people are needlessly rude to you or your work, but don’t let that control you. Even if you’re not a good artist now, you will improve with time and effort if you stay determined. But you’ll never get better if you become too discouraged to continue making things. Don’t give up!
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